Blogging about an illegal topic.

What is it like blogging about things that are not exactly legal?

To be frank, it’s a little intimidating. Gathering information often requires me to go to sketchy hidden websites, finding photos is often a stressful task when trying to avoid downloading viruses, any real-world work I do involves breaking at least three laws. Urban Exploration is a dangerous & risky passion. When entering a location you never quite know if you’re going to make it out. Floors could collapse beneath you, roofs could cave in, let alone if the building still has active electricity, then every puddle becomes a risk, any metal surface potentially lethal. It’s not a hobby for the weak of stomach.

This blog is an expression of part of who I am, I love exploring, and blogging about it has been amazing, getting to inform others about something that I have a passion for. the writing comes naturally for me, sharing the history of places long forgotten by living memory. Once I start writing, the words just sort of flow, like a river of the experiences of people long dead, a window into the lives of those who came before us.

This is why I treat my topic with reverence. I work hard in my writing and my research not to misrepresent or sully those who can no longer defend their legacies.

Because of this, my research process is lengthy and normally involves verification of stories through many different sources from Wikipedia, to forums, to old newspapers, this way, I can know that I am presenting you with the best information I have. To protect myself, I do all of this through VPN servers and fake accounts. It’s a slow and arduous process, but, cest la vie.

Finally, if you are looking to start your own blog, the one piece of advice I want to give you is: Write about something you are truly passionate about, something you love. If you write a blog about a topic that doesn’t, it will be obvious to both you and the reader, finding the motivation to write will be nigh impossible.

Quaerere, Disce, Scribo.


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